The floods of 2010 have caused a significant loss to poverty reduction efforts and would result in increase in poverty and vulnerability of affected population. The areas affected by floods were consistently lagging behind in terms of socioeconomic and educational indicators as compared to the areas unaffected by the floods. The loss to infrastructure and livelihood sources will push them behind further. The people most severely affected were predominantly small farmers and unskilled labourers. They are among the most vulnerable in Pakistan and almost all live below or just around the national poverty line.
During need assessment survey TNW team identified that In Layah district flood had destroyed 263 units of small scale household carpet industry putting livelihood of dependent families under severe stress. TNW designed a project for rehabilitation of this homebased cottage industry. The Deniz Feneri funded project focused on the revival of this small industry to restore their source of livelihood. The NGO World successfully completed the project for restoration of primary source of income of affected families by constructing the sheds and providing other related facilities.
Case Study (Shaista Supports her Family)
Ms. Shaista of village Tali Musa with her brother was helping her parents by using their small unit of carpet weaving installed a room that was the only bedroom for the whole family. After helping her mother in the kitchen she was used to working (carpet weaving) for 4-5 hours daily and at the end of the month, the family was having a reasonable amount to sustain their livelihood.
One day water of Flood 2010 entered their village and Shaista’s family was shifted to a safer place. After a few days when they came back they saw their room demolished and the only source of income “Carpet weaving Unit” destroyed. It was a difficult time for the family. They not only lost their only shelter but also the source of income. The situation created multiple hardships for them. Meanwhile, our need assessment team visited that village and collected data. Team also witnessed the hardships of Shaista’s family and submitted recommendations to support them immediately.
The NGO World with the support of Deniz Feneri built a permanent shelter for this vulnerable family and helped them reinstall their carpet weaving unit. Shaista and her brother were much happy after its completion as they were again on work and able to support their parents once again.